domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009


With endoscopy it is posible to diagnose and treat several digestive illnesses with oportunity, this helps you save time and money with wrong treatments, and some times hospitalizacion as result of a complication which could be avoided with a diagnose just when the symptoms appear.
in some cases, endoscopy helps to treat the illness without surgery, like bleedings on the digestive system caused by ulcers or some other causes on which it is possible to stop the bleeding with the terepy, and some other procedures.
Although it is posible to diagnose those illnesses that require surgery.

A great variety of diseases can be attended at the clinic , Some of them are:

* Gastrointestinal infections

* Gastroesophageal reflux disease. (GERD)

* Barrett's Esophagus* Hiatal hernia* Gastritis

* Peptic Ulcer aka. Gastric ulcer.

* Helicobacter pylori infection.

* Irritable bowel syndrome.

* Hemorrhoids.

* Constipation.

* Diverticulitis.

* Polyps.

* Ulcerative colitis

* Colorectal cancer.

* Choledocholithiasis.

* Cholecystitis.

El Dr. Villegas se especializa en:

* Hernia Hiatal
* Gastritis
* Ulcera gastrica
* Ulcera duodenal
* Cancer de esofago y estomago
* Hemorragia digestiva
* Extraccion de cuerpos extraños
* Colitis
* Diverticulosis de colon
* Deteccion temprana de cancer de colon
* Extirpacion sin cirugia de polipos de colon
* Extraccion de calculos residuales de vias biliares

Realizamos Video Endoscopia diagnostica y terapeutica de las enfermedades del aparato digestivo.

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